Whispers of Avalon: Grassland Tileset
Whispers of Avalon: Grassland Tileset
Saturday, January 2, 2010 - 03:54
Art Type:
- 2D - Tiles 32x32
- 2D game
- Base pixel art for 3D pixelish RPG
- Best Orthogonal (rectangular) Tilesets for Tilemaps
- Fantasy RPG
- Generic Art Collection
- lichverse
- lichverse isometric
- Morgan's Favorites
- OGA Staff Picks
- Roguezeldalike
- rpg
- RPG Game
- RPG Tiles
- TDS: Garden/outdoors related
- Terrain transitions
- THEME: fantasy / rpg
- Top Down 2D JRPG 32x32 Art Collection
- Top Down Fantasy RPG for Commercial Use
- Used in Hero of Allacrost
- Whispers of Avalon content
A tileset developed for Whispers of Avalon
32 x 32 pixel tiles
Please note some tiles work as units, forming 64x64 tiles rather than 32x32 (I'll try and find a way to mark them)
The barrel is a diriveted work, the orginal creater is Crush

Nice work! I especially like the sand dune.
Love these tiles. :)
It was wise move especially in case that WoA could not be finished. Your work will not perish here ;>
Len, you did great work here. It's good to have new production grade tileset on OGA. Mine tilesets will be added here as soon as they reach enough complexity to be useful.
Those tiles look great, nice work !
Wow, amazing. I love the tile. Great work.. keep it up.
Hi there, indeed nice work. Was wondering though, is WOA an MMORPG ? I went to http://whispersofavalon.com/ to check it out and it seems its going to be something like that.
Yes. WoA is MMORPG in developement. The game uses Mana Source (http://manasource.org) technology - the same as The Mana World (http://themanaworld.org) and Avora project.
Beautiful Tileset! Soft lighting and colors make a really great landscape I hope to find in a game some day! Great quality!
Dude... this is so beautiful! I love it!
Quality work. Using this in the current release of the Fabula Game Engine. Have a look at http://florian-berger.de/en/software/fabula
Outstanding!! Great quality!
Very nice, will use it in my game with egg that hatch in the world as pets or creatures lol
good work, hope to see more
hello leonard i would like to use some of this for my new flash-based rpg that i am working on and i'm going to add your name in the credits if it's kay with you :D i'lll post a link when ready to see more
These are great!
Nice!! ;)
Oh my holy ...! This is one of the most beautiful pieces I have ever seen here!
Awesome!! Thx for sharing ;)))
Very nice. I've adapted your trees to fit into my maps. Please keep sharing!
Thanks a lot for sharing these! They are perfect placeholders for my project.
Really Nice tilesets. Thank you.
thats i need
I like. Very nice.
These tiles looks really nice.
Is there anyway to get the full maps already created?
I suck at making maps from tile sets :(
Much appriciated :)
@ScienceJ: crafting maps out of tilesets is a pretty fundamental skill for game creation. If you're not able/willing to do that part of it, I think it is unlikely to be game project that reaches a playable stage. You may want to check out tools like Tiled ( https://www.mapeditor.org/ )
The example maps for the tilesets you're interested in are unlikely to be useful in your specific game. I'm betting that asking for advice on the 2D art forum about map creating tips is going to be more productive. Nothing wrong with requesting help- everyone here is pretty helpful- but the Resource request forum is more likely to get responses.
Thats really cool. I will start a game maybe but i can use this tiles ? Sorry i m new :)
@maximeow: :) See https://opengameart.org/content/faq#q-how-to-credit
Incredible! So beautiful, congratulations! The trees are beautiful, the sand dunes are realistic, and the skull are also incredible! Nice work!
coming back to these from a notification, and they're just as beautiful as before :)
really beautiful ! thx
Amazing assets ! Thx
very nice work!
Thanks a lot for sharing these! They are perfect placeholders for my project.
Thank you for sharing your work.