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Monday, March 5, 2018 - 14:30

Oh yes, critical hit, bloody marvellous suggestion. Thank you!

Sunday, March 4, 2018 - 09:16

I haven't had a chance to do anything as yet, I'm just finishing a few bits, then il have a go. I'm not that quick I'm afraid, but I will have a go, as I said, I'm gona do one for myself anyway, so il just post a version here for you to do as you want with it.:)

Friday, March 2, 2018 - 08:23

you have explained in your PM, thank you for that. i have responded to it. 

Friday, March 2, 2018 - 06:25

Well, Il just find another home for the assets i have just spent 2 weeks on for your project. I know im not the quickest but i thought that was well explained to you during our conversations.  i wouldn't even mind after seeing my work you said no thanks and wanted to use another artist. But to see this post here with no message saying you are going to do this, and after i was being so helpful to you, you could of at least of given me that courtesy. this is the sort of behaviour that goes towards making collaberations difficult, and not want artists to work with dev art requests.

I wish your project well. I hope you find the artist that you need.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018 - 13:42

I am going to do something like this for myself, when I actually get round to getting a decent PC to do videos :) but il have a go for you to give me some practice at working with it. Let me now what your requiremnts are.

Monday, February 19, 2018 - 19:25

I would like to offer pixel art sprites, tilesets, level design, with an aim for authenticity with retro consoles, NES, SMS, SNES, MD etc.

not looking right now, but would be interested in being taught GameMaker studio 2 extensions and networking. :)

Sunday, February 18, 2018 - 06:35

This caught my EYE, so thought i would comment. how about when you take the soul of a person/animal/monster you see things from what they saw when they were alive, or get an abilitie/skill from what ever their attribution was, like, jump high, climb walls etc and maybe these skills could be used to progress in levels, just an EYEdea. do you have something playable? :)

Friday, February 2, 2018 - 05:49

thats true, but when i get to that level i want to have a 'structure' of how i operate and have some sort of organisation so i can continue to create seemlesly. :)

OK, so heres what im thinking, based on what you guys have said. if i create assets for a particular purpose, and edit that asset to fit another particular purpose, that would be OK, and not a bad thing. and put it in a place for where it is intended. heres an example, my football player for a football game, and then the same sprite as an 'archer' for a 'rogue' or 'platformer' type game, thats fits side scrolling, orthographic and isometric. and have 1 project uploaded and add each addition to that, and not multiple uploads, thus not creating a messy unorganised feed/portfolio. :)

Thursday, February 1, 2018 - 14:34

@Spring, its not really fear as such that i worry, its not really a worry. as a novice that has improved over the last year or so, my thinking has changed. It was about getting the opinions, getting tips for improvement and so on. i still need to improve but im in a much better place now and the work i do i want it to be useable and be presented in a way that is useable, purposeful art as apose to maybe its useable. every effort i make i hope it to be considered for use for its own merit, and at the same time, be considered for use due to another asset i have created so its important to me that i set off on the right foot. On some occasions edits will be needed to cater for a variation, either for game genre or something else by the developer, so when searching for art wherever and you come across my art then the first impresion is quite important. i would rather people say "Chasersgaming has got some useful stuff" and not "bloodyhell, its all the same stuff pretty much,err" and hearing about the 'asset flipping' just made me concious about it. I think i made that mistake with the Tile sets i have made recently,by making different coloured variations, but that was all they were, and it didnt sit right with me, not to mention uploading each one seperately just felt it was over the top and more time, time i could of spent doing other stuff with regards to assets. So again i was just concious that it was over the top and unesscary and might be deemed as just silly.:)

thanks for your nice comment :)

@medicinestorm @LDAsh now i see what your saying about the 'asset flip' thing, i get it now thanks for clearing that up, that makes me feel a lot better about it. I understand about doing for me when in doubt, and its not an easy job to set up assets in a way that would suit everyone as the requirments would be different for the reasons LDAsh mentions, I'm not going to please everybody, and i shouldnt worry about doing that, do what works for me is best, but if i can strike a nice balance then thats good. I get the idea of updating a submission instead of multiple  posts/uploads of something that caters to a particular need, i think thats where i struggle to make it fit, when i talk about 'usefulness' because i find it hard to place something in a particular place in terms of genre because of how im doing it, the artwork is not intended for one use, well it is but a different version of it, like side scrolling, orthogrphic and isometric. i dont want to make a limited art where only a platformer style art is the only one, having the art 'fit' the isometric and orthographic is what im trying to do to make it versitile, and make those versions available in the one sprite. If someone want to make a side scroller, orthometric or isometric styled game, or a hidden adventure, match 3 etc, then i would like make those available on whatever sprite im working on, but catergorising or index them is a bit of a pain, as its one of the hardest things i find to do, and dont want a feed of what look like a bit overwhelming of what could be considered nonsense and maybe get a poo rep for it. :)

Your comments have been really helpful, i think i have a better heading now, and they will defo help me going forward. It still maybe a bit hit and miss, but hopefully in the end it will all make sense and be worthwhile. :)

Tuesday, January 30, 2018 - 13:52

@medicinestorm, you pretty much describe what it is ive been trying to say in like 4 sentences, hahahahahah. :)

i dont like the idea of isolating completely the newbs (as i am one) because of what can be learned and is learnt, but at the same time i can understand the cons of having a saturated site of endless nothingness, and pros getting the ump with all the newbs type stuff. just wanting to crack on without waving through the endless fog searching for fellow pros.. Ranking, points sytem could be the answer to put a 'spectrum' in place, maybe controled by other pros a like, think of how a 'Masons' work (secret hand shakes) perhaps only reputable pros who knows each other can vote(black ball) them into the elite, where it opens up sections of the website, where the newbs cant get to, but still have the rest for the rest, thaqt have yet to prove themselves.
