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Friday, April 27, 2018 - 10:56

here is my submission for the challenge:

Friday, April 20, 2018 - 16:33

Yeah, I know, sorry. July suits me best at the moment, but it could change next year. Who knows. :)

Friday, April 20, 2018 - 15:28

@Spring the jam will run for 4 weeks( July 1st to July 29th) So there is time to create or edit assets. I will also announce the start of the jam 2 weeks before it starts so people can start planning/creating there assets then too. :)

Infact theres nothing stopping you all sorting out assets now if you want, but no coding until the jam officially starts. :)

Friday, April 20, 2018 - 11:35

It seems themes can be a fickle thing. :) some want it, need it, some don't want ,not nothered by it. I suppose the way it worked last year was OK, I more than happy to do it that way again. I'm even happy for those to use a theme from a different jam altogher. I.e ludam dare as an example. I personally couldn't make a game in 48-72 hours but the themes are interesting, so why not make your game based on another jams theme,we could still rate it on those and still benefit from the OGA assets being use for it like we would are own selected themes. Just a thought.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018 - 16:55

The theme isn't that important, and not all assets have to be from OGA, it's only a mimuim requirement to use them and to encourage their usage, especially the art challenges, so you can use your own resources aswel if you want to. Ultimately it's really about the assets here at OGA that I want to take centre stage, but at the same time strike a good balance where those that want to participate have options to choose how they participate and not be put off by anything. You could create assets during the jam that arn't here yet, as long as you submit them here before the jam ends then that will work as well.:) options are always good I think. :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2018 - 15:03

@Spring, yeah, that just highlights my point about having one theme. last years jam had 6 themes to choose from based on the art challenges, which were totally optional for the dev to consider when participating. think i will stick with this plan, but its good to hear peoples thoughts on it. thanks. :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2018 - 12:14

@medicinestorm, yes i agree, think its essential really as its about using the great assets as much as possible that are offered by so many here, we want to see them being used, and the incentive of gaining extra rating votes  based on those assets is hopefully enough to see the jammers using the assets. :)

@redvoxel thanks, i do wonder about themes though, i suppose its a traditional thing really for game jams to have a theme, it does generate an excitement around it, but then ive seen so many devs pull out of game jams because of the theme elected, and i still feel that having a theme may isolate particular assets, or maybe drive devs to a particular genre of game, i.e we get a lot more platformers because the assets that are based on the theme are platformer plentiful. :) as you say "i think it was pretty much perfect last time" so if it isnt broken dont try to fix it, and just keep it the same with the 'art challenge' assets being a 'optional' theme, but maybe we could have a vote on the 'art challenge' themes and have only one as a obligatory theme for the jam?

just thinking.... thanks for your responses, lets see if we get anymore. :)

Sunday, April 8, 2018 - 13:40

@cougarmint I would treat it how ever you interpret it matey, time machines, objects,characters from 1920 or what ever, extincted animals etc 

Sunday, April 8, 2018 - 12:49

@medicinestorm sounds good to me, I would probly start it next week, but post about it like you normally would on the front page to give people a chance to see it.:) that's up to you though :)

Saturday, April 7, 2018 - 18:33

Honestly I don't mind what theme,just happy to do a challenge, I like to use them as an option for the game jam. I reached out to Bart about the Twitter ages ago and never got a response. Lost in time sounds cool.:)
