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Wednesday, December 21, 2016 - 09:28

Keep it on topic, guys. 

Monday, December 19, 2016 - 13:12

I'm willing to do much of this. I even have some authority to do it. I might even have the time to do it! :D

Unfortunately I lack the advanced access (or perhaps just the knowledge of how to access the advanced stuff) nor do I have the familiarity with drupal to execute some of these fixes. I tried reading up on some of the resources provided earlier, but they don't really cover the complex stuff like this. If there is some task that might help in the meantime (like refactoring the fuzzbolts inside the flux capacitor) that has to be done on a regular basis, I'm your person. I just need someone to show me how to do whatever mundane task that the other admins don't have time to do all the time.

p0ss? Master Redshrike? Any crash courses you can give me? I'll do the dirty work, just show me to the shovel.

Friday, December 9, 2016 - 13:11

There is a passive scoring system for downloads: the download count. This is pretty useful for seeing how many people are downloading one of you submissions. However, I beleive it was determined that download count was not nearly as relevant as Favorites for scoring quality of assets. Many people download some assets to see what's in the package, but don't really feel they're terribly useful assets once they do. In such cases, the download count is not a good reflection of how popular the asset is.

Granting points for number of downloads would encourage submitters to submit several, more trivial, works with potentially misleading previews in order to gain more downloads. We'd much rather have fewer submissions that are more consolidated and higher quality. :)

Friday, December 9, 2016 - 12:52

Yeah, sadly there is no CC license with just the SA and no BY. I suspect the attribution is legally integral to the viral nature of Share Alike. Or at least it seems integral for enforcing the SA clauses, as if saying "share derivatives of this under the same terms" has little legal authority without a specific person to hold and enforce that authority. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2016 - 20:00

All three of those links are broken. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2016 - 03:39

No problem. :)

Monday, December 5, 2016 - 23:44

Dead link?

Monday, December 5, 2016 - 23:43

This is more of a "show off your project" post. Do you mind if I move it to that forum?

Saturday, December 3, 2016 - 16:51

some admins (don't know who) are workin on the code every once in a while, but no one new that I know of.

Sunday, November 20, 2016 - 08:12

Those nid's correspond to the following submissions:

