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Thursday, May 28, 2020 - 00:33


Wednesday, May 27, 2020 - 21:42

Which collection?
Which asset are you trying to add to it?
What browser are you using?

I've had no issues in Chrome.
In Edge I can add assets from the collection "edit" tab, but the button on the asset page does nothing.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020 - 21:20

Wow! You fulfilled that request fast. :D

I'm anxious to get started using the food and the other LPC additions, but hesitant to begin before it's all officially released. Could I bug you to submit sooner rather than later? I wouldn't worry about the "perfect" submission; there's an edit button for good reason. :)

Speaking of glassware, I'm trying to find/make/commission a good set of pixel(ish) art for a set of (al)chemical apparatus. SoCay got me started and now I can't get the idea of a really bad@$$ alchemy game out of my head.

I like the idea of a glass set since I could put various colored and bubbling liquids as a background sprite and layer the semi-transparent glassware over them.

Would you be interested in making some glass...?
* Aludel and/or reflux column ("bulb fractionating column")
* mixing flask ("Erlenmeyer flask")
* funnel (and maybe a paper filter to go in it... or a wire-mesh sieve)
* alembic
* boiling flask (round bottom, thicker glass)
* coiled condenser tube ("Graham condenser")
* receiving flask (also round, but smaller, thinner-walled than a boiling flask, and
with 2 spouts instead of 1)
* coldfinger
* hand-cranked centrifuge (not glass) that spins some vials (those are glass)

I could also use some non-glass apparatus like a cauldron, crucible, calciner, furnace, mortar & pestle, and even a hand-cranked (or steam-powered!?) ball-mill. I'll leave those aside for now. I can provide more details on the concept if you (or anyone) is interested. I'll see if I can put together some cash for this, too. :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2020 - 18:15

Looks like a recent update doesn't like the way firefox increments the count. Bleh! Checking into it...

Sunday, May 24, 2020 - 05:25

This has been discussed several times before. For more background, please read through the following thread:

Unless the topic is wholly separate, additions to the discussion should probably be made to that thread instead of this one just to keep the conversation in one place. :)

Sunday, May 24, 2020 - 00:07

GPL (and AGPL) is a software license. The only reason it is accepted here for artwork is for legacy reasons; projects back in the day wanted to share artwork, but no artwork licenses existed at the time, so GPL was used as the best available option.

AGPL is a software + application service license. Accessing artwork over a service "but not distributing it" doesn't really apply any more than GPL does.

We can look into it, but it is more likely GPL will be discontinued for new submissions than it is AGPL will be added to the list. :/

Thursday, May 21, 2020 - 11:15

close calls. Achievement for coming within x distance units (pixels?) of an obstacle at high speed and not getting blowed-up. :D

Monday, May 18, 2020 - 15:39

I like 2 as well.

Sunday, May 17, 2020 - 14:41

Ok, botanic found a problem with site xss handling, so he fixed it. Try uploading/editing to normal submissions and let me know if you guys still have issues. 

Thursday, May 14, 2020 - 20:52

The scripting used by the FLARE engine is an excellent place to start. Especially if you've played FLARE and liked it. If it is too "programmish", then, yeah maybe try out RPG Maker first and come back to it.

Although documentation for FLARE mods is not as robust as documentation for say, Unity, etc. this is a great place to ask questions since the FLARE devs are quite consistent about responding to inqueries.
