I want to answer you but mollum blocks my posting without any way to post it (like captcha) if you need help with the spamfilter maybe i can suggest something... like as example to flag authentic members or to have an invisible box. Here only the word b.o.t does trigger the spam filter.
Uhm unity guy, i have a half developed python game and ich want to make an browsergame branch from it. Do you know if i can use Unity take the python base code add some unity specific interface code and upload it to kongregate that way?
I want to answer you but mollum blocks my posting without any way to post it (like captcha) if you need help with the spamfilter maybe i can suggest something... like as example to flag authentic members or to have an invisible box. Here only the word b.o.t does trigger the spam filter.
I postet in the general forum now.
opengameart org forumtopic improve-the-search-engine
thanky to mollum everyone needs to guess the . and /
Thanks i found it, its good this way i can just order into a collection
Hello Eric, do you have something fitting a hippy beach scene?
Maybe somthing rhythmic with gentle drums, or flute
An adaption of the Tiles is here
Can i license my derivate work under CC-BY since the original is licensed under GPL 3.0?
Hello, i like to adapt the game and its resources which i like to publish on oga.
Have you some more art like the buildings roads ships and the numbericons?
No no i mean what problems does the user experience, where is it slow?
Well it depends on what you load.
In which way is your program slow? What computer do you use?
Uhm unity guy, i have a half developed python game and ich want to make an browsergame branch from it. Do you know if i can use Unity take the python base code add some unity specific interface code and upload it to kongregate that way?
What programming Language do you use?
It is supposed to be a 3D game where you can run around?