[LPC] Medieval fantasy character sprites
[LPC] Medieval fantasy character sprites
Tuesday, July 3, 2012 - 14:51
Art Type:
- 2D - RPG - [LPC]-Compatible Tiles/Sprites
- 2D game
- Art used in Gigalomania
- Battle of Megiddo Assets
- Billys Revenge artwork
- character animation
- crusoe
- D-RPG (Art/Music Assets)
- Fairytale platformer
- Fantasy RPG
- Kujasa
- Liberated Pixel Cup
- LPC Assorted Assets
- MedievL Sequence
- Mitty's Maize
- Non-Commercial - Art
- Orcish Adventure!
- Personal collection for a game
- Potential HTML5 RPG Assets
- Stendhal
- Still Sprites
- Test
- the island
- Top Down 2D JRPG 32x32 Characters Art Collection
- Tower Defense Art
- UpsideDown android game
My entry for the Liberated Pixel cup. See the README for more information and animated gif examples.
Contains various sprites listed in the tags, most of it modular and interchangable.
The archive expansion_pack contains some more sprites made after the contest was over.
Version 0.04 of the expansion pack contains:
- Shield, longsword and rapier for slash animation.
- Longer spear for thrust.
- Bow animations for skeleton.
- Missing quiver png for bow animation.
- Combat dummy death.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
I waive the DRM-limitation clause in the Creative Commons license for this art collection, allowing their free use on platforms like iOS or Steam provided you give credit as specified.

most awesome entry of the lpc for me.
Without this entry, it would be impossible for us to develop the game we wanted to. Thanks alot. I just saw the longsword in the expansion. It looks awesome. If you need an idea for future expansion, you may consider completing animations for skeletons (bow and thrust). We are considering skeletons as second race, which we probably will add after the LPC. Also skeletal archers will look cool.
Thanks for still taking the time to make your entry even awesomer..der..er!
@cemkalyoncu: There are now bow animations for skeleton as requested. I'll do thrust later.
I wish I could favourite once more ;)
Simply incredible. A build your own sprite pack. This is the best LPC entry I have seen so far. Did you make these yourself, because I would love to use these. If I would ask anything more for this pack it would be something like an orc, for more species variety. Please get back to me. Love the pack.
Sure, I made them, go ahead and use them as long as you follow one of the licenses.
I will continue to expand the pack when I can find the time. Might be a while until I can though since I have some real life stuff to do for a while.
Thanks a ton, this stuff went VERY far in Polymorphable. Also, nice to see the uncropped versions in the expansion pack - I've been adapting your work to female sprites with more-or-less good results (the leather armor looks a little strange).
Hey, I dont know if will do this but I've registered to ask, and to thank you for this pack.(you seem to from comments below)
But im trying to use this in a 2d-side scroller and unlike top-down ones charecters are usually supposed to be able to jump. I have been wondering if you could add jump animations ?
Typically, goodbyeusedworld, I think artists like to have a little more information about what you need. There's a set of guidelines here: http://opengameart.org/forumtopic/how-and-when-to-write-a-good-art-request
Do you have a working demo of the game yet (even if the art looks horrible)? Is there a particular style you're looking for? Is the game itself Open Source?
@makrohn, I'm sorry if I sounded more serious than I should. It is one of the game projects that barely started and nothing is clear yet. I was just needed jump animation for side-scroller type and honestly, thats all there is no style since style is just same as that charecters(human-body and skeleton-body in this pack) You see, this isnt "its definely going to get finished and will rock your world"(it will at least get finished in some form tho.) so I suppose you guys are free to ignore me.
@goodbyeusedworld: I might do some jumping animations later. It is quite a lot of work though since all the clothes and stuff needs to be adjusted to any new animations I make. I don't have time to do it right now.
My favorite LPC entry by far; these are terrific.
Could i use the sprites in my game if i give you credit?
@dragonshi105: Probably, but if you want to use them in a closed source/commercial game there are certain conditions you have to fulfill. You can use the sprites under either CC BY-SA 3.0 or GPL 3. There is an easy explaination of those licenses here: http://opengameart.org/content/faq
First of all, my greatest respect wulax, these are amazing artworks, especially the animations. Thank you for sharing them!
About the licences: Do I understand this correctly - if I were to use these graphics in a game, I would be obliged to publish the source code of said game?
My reason for asking is, I am working on a game right now, in my spare time. Though I very much doubt it will ever be published (not to even mention earn money), I would like to know: Is there any chance of aquiring your graphics for use in a closed-source product?
@majify: I don't think wulax is allowed to allow that, with these characters. They're derivatives of the actual LPC characters, which means that they must comply with the original license requirements.
@majiy: you dont have to open up your code. Only graphics that are bundled with this one should be licensed using CC-BY-SA. There is an on going debate whether graphics in a game is a collection or not. If they are, SA will not affect other graphics in the collection. However, nothing is clear on this. If you want to be sure, share other graphics using CC-BY-SA and you would be fine.
@cemkalyoncu: Are you sure about this? The FAQ (here: http://opengameart.org/content/faq ) say about CCSA: "[...]you will be required to distribute the source code, and your users will be allowed to distribute it as well."
And the sum-up of the CCSA license (here: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ ) says "If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one."
Is "include a graphic in a game" not a case of "build upon this work"? It seemed to be so obviously the case to me, that it didn´t even occur to me that it might not be. I tried to google this, but this seems far from clear, there seems to be an ongoing discussion. Is there any definite information about this?
@majiy: Game code and game graphics are not bound together and considered separate. In most interepretations CC-BY-SA requires you to distribute all your graphic assets freely. Not the code. The most logical interpretation here is your game is consuming the resources, its not an alteration or its not something build upon the graphics. After all, its not an art resource anyway.
On a different debate, graphics in a game is considered as a collection (which is logical), therefore, every single asset can be governed by a different license. You still need to distribute any altered versions of the image in question with CC-BY-SA license and you should make it available. Also your game should contain CC-BY-SA resource author and a link to download the (modified) resource freely.
Even if "include a graphic in a game" was a case of "build upon this work", there's still no requirement to release the source - there's nothing in CC BY-SA that says one must release source code, or anything about source code at all.
It's also worth noting that "same or similar license" is defined as being either CC BY-SA 3.0 or later, or a "Creative Commons Compatible License", defined at http://creativecommons.org/compatiblelicenses . However, that page says "Please note that to date, Creative Commons has not approved any licenses for compatibility"!
So the "similar" bit is irrelevant at the moment, and certainly doesn't include options like the GPL. If CC BY-SA did apply to the game to, then the only way to use CC BY-SA art would be to also release the game as CC BY-SA. Which would mean GPL games using it would be in violation just as much as a closed source one...
I know what the OGA FAQ says - but I disagree with it; I can't see any justification in the licence for those claims (either that source must be released, or that the GPL counts as a similar licence - it doesn't, as there are currently no "similar" licences).
I think in practice, most people assume that CC BY-SA doesn't apply to the game - or if it does, many Open Source uses are also in violation, and CC BY-SA is next to useless as a licence (at least, as far as game development is concerned).
truly amazing work. I love how it is setup in Gimp. Could anyone point a complete art noob to a tutorial on setting up Gimp like this?
I made a short sword based on your dagger, found here:
I want to post my short sword as CC-BY but you have your stuff listed as CC-BY-SA. Would you be willing to let me use your work as CC-BY provided I credit you and require you to be included in any works that use my work?
Nice work with the short sword. It would look even better with some motion blur, as would the dagger I made...
Sorry, I don't have the authority to change any licenses since my graphics are derived from the LPC base sprites.
Not a problem, I understand the reasoning. I've updated my description to reflect the LPC licensing requirements so people understand why it is that way. Thanks!
I might try to add a motion blur to my short sword, that's a good idea. I don't know if I could do your dagger justice though.
Hi there.
Currently using these sprites for PyORPG (LINK REMOVED). They're great!
@wulax, the author of the original character assets (Redshrike) has agreed to make them available under CC-BY. Here's the forum thread; search for "give permission". So you're free to consider releasing your set under CC-BY if you wish.
From that same forum post, it sounds like CC-BY would open the possibility of using your artwork in iOS games.
I used this in my android game UpsideDown. Please check it out on play store.
All the attributions are in Credits section.
Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.itcorp.upsidedown
If you like the game, please leave me 5 stars :)
Dude i just create an account to tell you that this Pack IS AWESOME!!!! great work!! it will be good if u create something like map tiles :3
Try these links: http://opengameart.org/content/liberated-pixel-cup-0
Wulax, should I attribute you as Johannes Sjölund?
Reworked the robes a little to use as an outfit in Stendhal:
Thank you wulax. :)
Still the best! Love your work.
Can I Use This In Commercial Use?
@FreedomCrusade: All works on OpenGameArt.org can be used commercially as long as you abide by the restrictions of the license. Here is a quick breakdown of the CC/OGA licenses (I am not a professional on the subject & suggest you read the summary in the links for each):
Note: You can also get to these summaries by clicking the icons for each license under the "License(s)" section of the submission.
Edit: Anyone with corrections, please comment.
Thx for the quick reply. Quick question would i leave @wulax credit, or original creator of lpc, and or both
The description states that there is a README file included in the download that has more information in it. My guess is that it would depend on what all you used. I believe that wulax created the outfits. So it may be that if you just use the outfit you only need to credit wulax. If you use the sprite bases as well, you would need to credit the author of those. But, I'm not 100% sure on that. Best to look through the README.
Thank you very much brother for this great contribution, I am just starting in this world of video game creation and I am passionate about this type of art. Thanks to creators like you, I have the opportunity to learn with incredibly cool materials ...
I hope that tomorrow will count as attribution, your name in the credits of my project, and with pleasure I will attach a link to your page.
Greetings and a big hug from Argentina!
i love it ♥
maybe i can use it in my next pc game
Hello I'm using this for my game, I'll let you know as soon as it's done so you can take a look at it. I just can't find the animation for walking with the sword. jaja
Hi there,
This is a pretty good art work here. The only downside i noticed is the weapon holding hand is switching.
Example slashing with sword on X direction, the sword is held in right hand, and in Y direction the sword is held in left hand. Same with bow. :(
I saw this issue with many sprite sheets. Beside this i like it. I was searching for something like this to have a placeholder in my game for testing different character and monster animations.
By popular demand, I added OGA-BY 3.0 as a license
Great stuff! Thanks for sharing.
Probably a very noob question, but is there a straight forward way to animate these sprites through Unity, or does it require building every character up for each piece of animation?
Thanks for the awesome work !
I used it for a small multiplayer wargame and credited you here : https://www.followthebanner.com/credits.html
Feel free to let me know if it's ok.