Sideview pixel art RPG enemy sprites
Sideview pixel art RPG enemy sprites
For a while I've been making RPG enemies in a certain generally FF6-ish style, hoping to get a unified set built over time. This collection is an attempt to get anything that fits within the style gathered from their various and sundry locations into one place. If you would like anything added to the list, or to be added as a collaborator, just shoot me a message or make a comment on the collection. Have a request for a monster you'd like to see? Make a comment!
Collected Art:
I'll be honest ;)
Forest, mountain, cave and icy monsters are in my interest list, all in a ff6-ish style. And I must say that I'm also interested in different and gradually hurt states of those monsters.
I concur with Bertram on that. I posted a few examples on the Dusk project forums of a couple monters I need. I'll try and draw up some monsters myself ;)
I think one great addition and possibly boss monster-esque enemy could be the famed undead dragon, or Dracolich, if you prefer. :)
are there sprites made for these images? e.g. walking animation?
We would like to use these images, animated for our game. If they are not currently animated, we would hire someone on to turn them into sprites.
They are all static sprites, though a couple have been animated a bit by others as you may have seen. I'd be happy to see them expanded and used, just be sure to follow the license requirements, few as they are :)
Howdy Ive been am doing a game its almost made would you be interested in doing some art for it
your drawings look perfect and a few of them would just drop straight into my game
if your interested contact me here
Thanks !!
Though simple and one-color, a static frame of the Angels vs Demon tileset could make a decent RPG enemy.
@Redshrike It happened 7 years ago now, but @Manveru accepted your request to make "Dorver" available under CC-BY for this collection...