42 "Monster RPG 2" music tracks

42 "Monster RPG 2" music tracks


These are the music files (in FLAC and OGG formats) from the recently open sourced Monster RPG 2. (Except jungle_ambience, which is not original).

The game is licensed under the Give It Your Own License, License, and I've chosen to re-license them under CC0, but I'm sure the good folks at Nooskewl Games would appreciate a shout out if you use their works. 

The files were extracted from the source code, provided here.

There is also a discussion of this project on the forums.

FLAC are 142M (incorrectly packaged - tar in gz in gz)

OGG VORBIS are 20M (7z)

Preview generated with https://github.com/qubodup/ogatools

Monster RPG 2 FLAC Music - Revised.tar.gz Monster RPG 2 FLAC Music - Revised.tar.gz 148.1 Mb [1178 download(s)]
Monster RPG 2 OGG Music - Revised.7z Monster RPG 2 OGG Music - Revised.7z 20 Mb [2869 download(s)]