Metal+Stone Textures
Metal+Stone Textures
Wednesday, September 12, 2012 - 11:57
Art Type:
A bunch of textures that were gathering dust on my hard drive.
Might as well release them in the wild so someone might have some use for them.
CC-BY 3.0 / CC-BY-SA 3.0

added preview, hope you like it :)
command used: montage */* 128x128+0+0 all.jpg (should be easy on Linux and OS X)
Is it CC-BY or CC-BY-SA?
Qubodup: Thanks! :D
Vivid: It's CC-BY, I accidentally picked the wrong license.
Spiney: Thanks for clearing that up! :)
This is a fantastic pack. Some of the highest quality concrete, stone and metal work I've seen around the open source community. Normal and specularity maps are missing for some, but this is a very easy to use set. I suspect we'll see it pop up all over the place.
I'd love to see you expand on the themes you introduced in the metal set. It's nice, but I don't see it blending well with other textures, so it would be good to have more options if I'm using it in mapping. The O is a nice start.
Yeah, the metal ones would benefit from more. I might do that in the future, but I'm too occupied with other stuff at the moment. I'm also not terribly great at doing coherent sets of stuff due to my chaotic nature :P . So I'll give a big fat maybe on that one.
Added CC-BY-SA 3.0 as a licensing option.
I like these textures. I would like to use them in an upcoming project that I'm working on. I am new to game dev. & licesing.....Can you tell me what I must do in order to use these textures in my game. I will gladly give you props in the credits area of my game. I would like your permission.
Great artwork, I used it in my project at WorldGrower