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Friday, December 14, 2018 - 14:25

@withthelove the jam you ran I would say was a great success, and it didn't put anybody off, I'm glad you run it and I believe the feedback has been positive. I always kinda sat on the fence with holding an ALL OGA assets, the consensus I believed was that some wanted it,some didn't,and I think,for me anyway, that those that would want to participate may not want to release certain assets openenly, so the ALL aspect would rule themselves out, bit like what I've mentioned with Monstroplis above, but for other personal reasons. So I went with the 6 asset rule, to try and cover both bases, To at least favor OGA in some way. However, here for this jam it opens up a different set of questions. It would make sense that if this will be an OGA jam then the assets should be inclusive in some way, but like you mentioned above, what if the project doesn't contain any OGA assets? , does that rule that particular game out?, it would prett much have to,one way around that would be to not be OGA associated, but then that's what's driving the jam, so maybe another way for the 'finish it' jam could be the incentive to not only finish it, but to add,include some assets(but not all) from OGA, if assets have been added to the project then you could require them to share it if you wish, or not. It's a tough one this, if the focus is on the games, then it really shouldn't matter about the assets used, although to incorporate OGA in some way would be good, if the focus is on the assets then it could make certain projects difficult to finish if OGA assets is a requirement for some projects. What do you want to see from this jam?

Friday, December 14, 2018 - 12:45

Oh yes, a finished Monstropolis would be awesome, however i couldn't include that particular game for such a jam as although i havent been posting about the game i have been working on it on and off for a very long time. atually last week i was doing some stuff on it. Im very much still an amatuer at programming and Monstropolis is kind of a big task coding wise for me, so what i like about taking part in the gamejams is the experiance i gain from practicing coding, over coming the hurdles i face, and take that into the next project to make those improvements. Monstroplis is and will be a result of all the efforts made over the last few years of learning. :) Also, im not sure of @Withtheloves intentions about whether this jam will be part of OGA or not and if it is, then would the assets need to be released as before. if so i wouldn't submit Monstropolis as I would want to keep the 'Monty' character to myself, as part of Chasersgaming.

However i have other unfinished games, Never a Doll day was a bit of a disaster, i would love to go back to that and see that through, even 'Lone the elemental stones' didn't get the attention it needed, or deserved from myself i feel, so again i would love to go back to that, but ultimately, if i would do any game at all, it would be the very FIRST game I ever coded, 'Corrado Sprint'. Re-doing that game from what i know now to what i knew then would mark some sort of milestone in my life, and really show the progression from where i was to where i am now. More of a personal thing for me, but im sure we all have different reasons for participating in game jams. What was the first game you made? or just a game idea you had? Maybe you could make those for the jam. :)

Friday, November 30, 2018 - 11:10

That Twitter isn't yourself? 

What you looking for, ig I can do it, il have a go over the weekend.

Saturday, November 24, 2018 - 06:04

I know OGA is not a place for uploading games, but i would like to see a section, like the latest assets that showcase games that have been created that uses assets from OGA. Maybe link to a game page or a forum post for that game(show of your project). Seeing the assets being used is not something we see very often. Doing something like this may encourage more asset creation and indeed lead to additional assets for that particular game adding a benefit to the original asset set and just generally more engagment within the community. It may help bridge the gap between artists and developers expectations in some way.

a 'Like' or simular button, this could have the benefit of community curation, and help towards policing potential copyright infringements, offensive and spam material uploads. i.e, before an assets reaches the latest asset page on the front page, it has to have a number of 'Likes' to get there. All latest uploads would still show as normal but only show in a 'Dashboard' page where all users will still see them when they sign in.

just my thoughts.:)

Thursday, November 15, 2018 - 12:35

Well done everyone!, I really enjoyed the games.

Congratulations to everyone for taking part, and to the top 3.

A massive thank you to @Withthelove for taking the time to create and host a very sucessful game jam. and to exclude your own game from the rankings is very noble of you. you deserve a big pat on the back for all your efforts.

sorry to hear your boy was not well, hope he has recovered.

look forward to you running the jam again!. :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2018 - 08:26

Just a little nudge to everyone at OGA that the Jam voting period is comming to an end. theres about a day and a bit left, i would ask those that participated that havent voted/rated yet to do so, and those that didn't, and have some spare time, to go and check out what some of the members here have made with the assets here at OGA. Im sure they would welcome your comments and ratings. 

Thanks. :)

Saturday, November 3, 2018 - 11:53

hahhaha, yeah i did! its public now, thanks. :)

Saturday, November 3, 2018 - 10:32

I have uploaded what would of been my entry to the jam. the state it is in is how i would of submitted it before the deadline passed. so i havent done any extra stuff, just the stuff that i planned to do before the deadline.

expect bugs, collision issues, depths and what ever else for those that want to give it a go. :)

looking forward to playing your games now! :)

Thursday, November 1, 2018 - 12:21

@spring yeah , sort of, was going to have allsorts mixed in with a fairly decent story line i thought, 1 level for each stone but it got to big to fast and well..... unfinished was the outcome :)

@withthelove nice idea about the splash screen! and the 'finish an old project' jam could be a good one for future. :)

Thursday, November 1, 2018 - 10:51

Well done everyone who submitted there games and participated in the jam, and a big thanks to @withthelove for hosting the event. :) i will look forward to playing and rating all your games!

Sadly for myself I was unable to submit anything as I ran out of time, and gave myself to much to do, :(  I was slaving a way until 4am this morning, but it just wasn't to be.

I am disapointed i was unable to submit as you guys and @withthelove have been so supportive of the jam I ran in the summer and wanted to show my support by participating and submitting to this jam. :( I did participate at least, :) i have left some screen shots of what might of been and will contnue to finish what i intended and upload in a few days time.

Well done everyone!

thank you again @withthelove!
