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Friday, October 19, 2018 - 11:29

You know what, I'm struggling too. I've had nothing but constant errors all week and it's beginning to take its toll. I set me self a nice daily plan out but I completely forgot my kids are all off next week for half term so it pretty much leaves me with no flexibility. My head has been up my arse all week. I'm just going to have to have the one level and remove everything else if I'm to have a remote chance of 'dragging something across the line'. It's disappointing, but sometimes you just have to roll with the punches.:)

Wednesday, October 10, 2018 - 19:10

I'm just going to leave this here, I worked on 8x8 tile size for my game jam game, it's based on the 'alargard' font seen here.Not worth a submission on its own I don't think. Thanks. If used the license is cc by 3.0 as required Julius. :) thanks for sharing julius.

Saturday, October 6, 2018 - 18:49

Wow! That looks incredible, what a massive difference from the jam prototype, and that look awesome aswell, Very cool.:)

Friday, October 5, 2018 - 11:23

@machalord yes you can still participate!, plenty of time in the jam. Just check the assets you are planning on using, but yes you can modify assets to your needs. Recolouring and removal of backgrounds and ups caling/downscale won't require you to reshare, but if you make derivatives from the work You must credit the original author, and ALL assets used the in game must be available here at OGA, so any assets you create for your game should be available here too, or made available before the jam ends, October 31st. :)

Friday, September 28, 2018 - 17:35

Just a quick knock up, hope it helps.:)

Friday, September 21, 2018 - 09:38

Getting close now! not long to go. :)

@Spring sure you will come up with something

@withthelove are you excited? its cool running a jam.(all being well)

Thursday, September 13, 2018 - 14:44

i heard about this but havent read up to much about it yet, although what concerns me from what i know is action will be taking against sites that would host or potentially host copyrighted material. so it would appear they are putting the pressure on the site holders now, not just uploaders. even if host sites dont or didnt know about it there will be consequences. so the incentives are for the hosters to be more on top of it somehow, It couldl have some effect for sites like these . the bill passed but wont be in effect until 2020, im in the Uk, so we could have another election by then and as we are comming out of the EU im not sure how we will be effected by this rule, so its a bizzare situation.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018 - 16:12

i do think some game jams have a default requirement, i would make the assumption that a windows target would be an accepted target, and im not saying you should only have the windows target, I welcome html, unity players, andriod etc but yes i dont have a Mac linux etc and i would like to play and rate every game as im sure others would that may be in the same boat. the roblox was an example which was a unexpected entry, and although nothing wrong with it as such, but it was an ask for people to sign up to something, which some may do but not an expectation for a game jam, so with that thought it may help towards that. but that participant still took the time to create with OGA assets it must be said.

I dont think it was nesscary to rip the piss out of me.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018 - 11:27

@withthelove looking forward to this, i hope i can take part, the rules can get quite tricky and long cant they :), one of the things i was thinking about for the jam was actually opening up a community forum page, like F.A.Q or frequently asked questions which would lessen the summary jam page and be a bit more helpful, i didnt do this before coz i didnt want to have to many pages to answer questions and such, try to keep it in one place but could be more helpful maybe to participants. not saying you should, i just putting that idea out here as think i will do this next year. Im happy to help where i can, so give me a shout if you need. :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2018 - 10:54

OK, i have revised a few things for next years 'Summer Jam', so this is what I propose.

The 6 asset rule will be mandatory as a minuim requirement as normal, and will still run for 4 weeks.

The rating catergories will be:

Story/narrative (no change)

Artwork(no change)

Sound (this will replace music & sound in one catergory instead of having two)

Gameplay (NEW category)

Challenge (NEW catergory)

OGA Presentation (NEW catergory, this will replace the 'art challenges' and 'theme' categorys)

On game jams they automatically give you an 'overall' rating which determines the winner, so i feel its a good idea to remove our own 'overal' catergory for rating, giving these catergorys more emphasis, espiecially for OGA Presentation.

Also, because also 'ranks' each catergory it allows me to set up some more awards, giving a lot more to play for, So games can now win:

Best Story

Best Artwork

Best Sound

Best Gameplay

Best Challenge

aswel as comming 1st,2nd,3rd and of coarse the OGA favourite which I will run again. :)

No prizes, but i will consider things in the future.

I will reword some of the rules such as the engine rules, that is that still any engine can be used, but must have a windows executable as a default. I will make it more clear that participants that use their own assets and not ones from OGA will be required to share at least 6 to OGA. deriatives will be determined by the license.

Lastly, i'm really pleased that @withthelove has set up another jam that must include only assets from OGA and as @saliv says it will meet a lot of requests from users here. We should all get behind that aswell, and i will happily move this jam to the start of June, instead of July to give more time between both, and hopefully Me and withthelove can share our findings/expriances and come up with something that everyone will enjoy! :)





