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Wednesday, July 4, 2018 - 02:00

@spring There isn't one, if you want to make a video or post screenshots that's entirely up to you.its your game.

edit: sharing work in progress, wrighting a dev log, posting videos and photos is encouraged, give your game the exposure and create some hype! Remember the voting is open to the public so it's a good idea to spread the word! Twitter hashtag is #ogagamejam2, I will share them when I see them. Good idea to use #gamejam #gamedev as well. :)

Sunday, July 1, 2018 - 13:35

It's pretty good to me. Youve done a great dont need any pointers buddy.:)

Sunday, July 1, 2018 - 12:17

I consider a submission as 1 OGA asset, but if a submission has more than 1 asset within it then I will count to.

i.e 1 music submission has 4 different tracks, then I would say that's 4 assets.

generally each asset should have a link to an individual page. basically if it has a separate download then that counts as one asset, but you should link each asset used to same page if that's the case.

upload your work as you see fit.:) like you would normally.



Sunday, July 1, 2018 - 09:55

@spring, hmmm, i dont think so. as long as it can be downloaded and played by the user it shouldnt be a problem, or web version. but it might be problematic if they cant play becasue they dont have the version to play it on. safe bet i would defo do a windows executable.


Sunday, July 1, 2018 - 08:13

The jam is well underway now. Good luck everyone and enjoy yourselves! Don't stress and take breaks. Look forward to playing your games.:)

Saturday, June 30, 2018 - 17:57

@withthelove You brought up a very valid point, one that I hadn't really given much thought about as it didn't come up in the last jam, and that jam went well. But it needed addressing now as you had concerns and I'm sure others did too. I hope by updating the rules page about the base code issue it is more understood. I'm pretty bummed to hear that your not continuing with your game because of this and others not to participate as well. But at the same time glad your still participating. Have a sleep on it and maybe reconsider, I would say the same to others reading this thread. At least next year we will know where we're at. :)

Saturday, June 30, 2018 - 16:54

I have updated the rules to reflect the pre written/base code worry. :) hope it helps. Thanks.

Saturday, June 30, 2018 - 15:47

@withthelove, Dont be disgruntled matey, i have already said that i cannot second guess who has used precoded code(base code) and am aware that it happens, there is nothing wrong with doing so, i'm merely saying that is in the spirit of a gamejam. I would very much like you to continue with your project, so please do,and as you say theres a lot more to a game than the code, its everything else as well.:) 


I apreciate that this is a gamejam and its a competition and its always nice to win things like these, but i feel that the 'Competition' aspects could be taken to seriously. I am liberal on the rules to some extent, this is not ludum dare or global game jam so im not as robust on things as maybe i could probably be, and this is only my second attempt at running a gamejam. Whats important to me is a community that comes together, shares ideas, make games, and have a lot of fun doing so. I want you make some cool and great things with the assets here, evolve you development skills and game ideas, test yourself, let your creative side flourish without the worry of doing things in the wrong way because a rule says otherwise. I havent mentioned anything in the rules about 'base code'. Do what you feel is best for you and your project, its not that big a deal i dont think, If you are not sure than drop me a line and il give you my honest opinion on it, but in general, just stick the rules of what has been written. If its not in the rules then assume its safe to continue.:) but if you want me to be a bit more clearer than that, il say this.

No programming until the jam starts. if you have prewritten code (basecode) then you cannot put it all together into a project until the start of the jam. 

Sound better? im all for that. :)

Saturday, June 30, 2018 - 14:37

@spring, use the themes, they may help inspire, or scroll through the assets on OGA, something there may inspire you, how about a visual novel, or educational tool or just a tool in general, I know it's a game jam, but it doesn't have to be a game. What about an idea you had a long time ago, maybe resurrect it?

if anyone has an idea for a project, but arn't taking part in the jam, then feel free to tell us. Someone (maybe Spring) might pick it up and run with it. :)

idea: man/women on the beach with a metal detector searching for gems,coins, in the land. Finding stuff, take to a merchant, earn money, upgrade you metal detectors, unlock more lands, caves,grasslands, find special items, rare jewels.  Very simple and basic, but could be fun. :) least it's an idea to work with.

Saturday, June 30, 2018 - 11:23


i absolutely get what your saying about pre written code,finished or unfinished. Like all jams really, say that all code must be made from scratch, blank canvas, and this is in keeping with the spirit of what a game jam is about. However, I have seen enough game jams, ludam dare,gm48, global, etc, that suggests to me that there is no way those games have been coded from scratch. And your right about wrighting a code and having to rewright  them again for let's say a platformer that would pretty much be the same engine, just with a few changes in mechanics would seem like a total waste of time. But the time is the point really. I personally wouldn't know or how to manage/judge someone's abilities to start a project from scratch or whether they have just copied and pasted a code from their trusted ol 'notepad' software, so in general I would not know, and neither would anyone, we could only make an assumption really based on our own experiences and knowledge about game development and this I would suspect would reflect in someone's ratings/voting without actually making an actual accusation and starting a row with no actual prove of such things occurring in a jam. Think this is why most Devs video/live stream there development to prove its from the start date.

bottom line for me is this, make it from scratch and keep within the spirit of the jam ideally but I'm well aware that precoded lines are copied and pasted or reused, so I'm not going to jump up and down on people for doing so. For me your only cheating yourself if you do and not challenging yourself of your abilities of a jam. Secondly there are game assets that are code, would it be the same if someone was to use that code in a jam? It's a really tough one, and really needs to be up to the developer to consciously make that call. Ultimately, it's about the OGA assets being used, any game that uses them is a great thing. 4 weeks should be long enough for code to be written from scratch for a game, there's no time pressure to warrant any precoded copy and paste methods in my opinion, but it is up to you as developers. Will it be an advantage?, of coarse it will, but who's to say everyone will or won't do it? This will probably be a reason why some don't participate in some jams because it's known that some may use this method, but just have some fun guys! Do it for yourself, enjoy making your game, bring it to life! Gain some experiance, test yourself, whatever. :)

i personally will vote occordingly, so if I think something has not been coded within reason my votes will probably reflect that based from my own experiences. :)
