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Monday, July 16, 2012 - 23:29

Well, you got it working alright.

The "errors" you see are actually warnings. It means we've added variables that aren't currently being used. Don't worry, they'll be used before the 31'st (or gone).

The overworld is currently being worked on by Drawig, who keeps his own work to himself until he's comfortable with sharing it. Even I have no idea what he's doing or working on.

Click on Battle, however, as that's the part I've been working on. It's partially incomplete. I'm working on it right now though, and given a couple of days, I'll have a playable beta.

Also, on the Eclipse requirement. That one's not going away. Setting up Eclipse is a matter of minutes (Besides the  download of the massive file), and building from Eclipse takes away the hassle of creating ant scripts. I have no plans to document any other way of compiling the game, but anyone's welcome to cooperate and write a how-to not use Eclipse to build the game.

Monday, July 16, 2012 - 16:53

Ah, I see what you're doing wrong. Delete your "Unsealed " folder, re-download from a newer copy, and import the projects. The way you set up the project, it treats everything as a single java app, which explains your confusions.

Early when commiting, I accidentally left some old files in the repo, which in turn caused the above issue for 'new' checkouts. It no longer happens though.

You should end up with a project named Unsealed, and a separate project named Unsealed-android (Which you don't need to import, btw, unless you also want to try out the Android version)

Monday, July 16, 2012 - 13:54

Btw Shirish, I think I figured out why you had errors before. Sometimes, when you pull stuff from Eclipse, it doesn't refresh the folder properly, and you have to right click the project and click on "refresh".

As for the battle system and the rest? Feedback's welcome :-)

Monday, July 16, 2012 - 11:38

Another bump (I'm not sure if bumping is frowned upon or not)...

I wrote a somewhat detailed blog post on what our Battle System will look like and I'm pretty sure competitors will like to know, so, here it is! :P


Saturday, July 14, 2012 - 20:51

Aww, these are fantastic, and I'd use them if they had their left/right side animations...

Friday, July 13, 2012 - 22:29

I forgot to add, those that do download the source, might be enticed to help out with the development of the game, or provide patches at least, which in turn means less work for ya :P

Friday, July 13, 2012 - 22:22

Not really. I plan to sell my game on the Android Market, and link to the github. Most Android users are either too uninterested in setting up the Android SDK to compile it themselves or would actually end up downloading it off some shady website. That's fine. They play the game without paying me, but hopefully, they'll end up telling their friends about it.

Those that want to support the devs, will do so. Those that don't, will figure out ways to steal it. Source or no.

Friday, July 13, 2012 - 20:05

Just FYI, I begrudginly added RUNNING instructions on the repo. I wrote them in a couple of minutes, from memory, so things and files might be renamed later, but the instructions should work.

As I've repeatedly stated, the game is pretty Alpha, with a ton of things either broken or incomplete. I'll prep the documentation once I'm more comfortable with people running the game :P

Friday, July 13, 2012 - 19:48

Just FYI, Every single DRM scheme is broken eventually. DRM only encumbers those that *do* purchase the game.

I'll give you an example. I bought Plants vs Zombeis on Android, but can't play it when I'm offline (Such as in an airplane). Pirates can play it with or without Internet connection.

I should've bought the game and installed a pirated copy, as currently, I believe I have the crappier one.

If you're basing the source release on DRM... well, you're only pissing on those that do wish to buy your game.

Friday, July 13, 2012 - 14:16

Hey Shirish,

I'm sorry for the issues you've had with the project. I admit it has been a tad unstable at times, because its at a very early stage, and I'm the only guy coding it anyway.

The most recent version should be stable, however, and the version that will be available on Monday (Assuming I finish it this weekend, heh) will be very playable. 

As I've constantly mentioned, documentation on how to run and everything will be written once the actual project is worth compiling and everything, though I'd certainly welcome if someone else wrote a setup tutorial.

As-is, I'm already late per my timeline, and would rather dedicate time to implement all the missing features.
