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Tuesday, April 26, 2022 - 13:55

I thought I looked for ESA picture at somepoint and some of those were not under any open license. So in short it just depends by each picture. Those ESA pictures looks nice since I am just looking to find pictures of planets of our solar system which should be under some CC license. CC-BY-4.0 is perfect.

Sunday, April 10, 2022 - 14:45

Cool, thanks! I really appreciate this!

It is very challenging to get some visibility for your game!

Wednesday, April 6, 2022 - 12:48

New version of Open Realm of Stars is available. 0.21.0Beta is available in Github or

Biggest changes are two new space races: Synthdroids and Alonians. Synthdroids are android which are bit like mix between humans and Mechions. Synthdroids need to be built like Mechions, but Synthdroids also need food to survive. They only need 50% of food than compared to other races. Synthdroids are using the old news reader image with legs added. Alonians are different compared to other races, they don't have starting planet at all. Instead they have more ships than others. (4 scouts and 2 colony ships). They also get extra research point for each colony ship with at least one colonist on board and not orbiting planet. Also space stations produce extra research point if they some research facilities.


Game can now have up to 16 realms. There are total number of 16 different space race so each space race can be in same game. This 16 realms make winning of diplomatic, cultural, domination or by population victory quite challenging since you need to gain 50% of other realms to win. For example diplomatic victory you need to gain trust of over 50% total population of whole galaxy. Domination requires conquering of 50% of home planets. Cultural victory requires have at least cultural admires for almost half of the galaxy. And finally population victory requires to have 50% or more of whole galaxy population.

This version features space worms and space krakens as space monsters. These can be found from the space anomalies. I actually had quite interesting bug with these while playing test game. Earlier updates added tractor beam which can be used for stealing ships from other realms and I thought I had disabled that for space monsters. Turned out that I wasn't and I got text where it said ship has been captured. I fixed this that tractor beam can be used for disabled space monster for taming it. Now you can have your own pet space monsters.

Space monster

There are also features which should make game less for micro management. Regular movements can be set as route. This is very good for exploration fleets to move. Game will also notify if exploration fleet finds planets or space anomalies or deep space anchors. Planet governors can now automatically select next building project when previous project finishes. Governors can also suggest what building should be destroyed or recycled if planet is full. Governor can be give a guidance for example focusing on research or military. In ship design view it is possible to use AI to design ships for you. This uses same methods as AI realms use. Player need to select ship hull and possible variant for ship type and name the ship. After design player can still modify the ship as needed or wanted.

There is also a new basic weapon: multicannon. Some of the space race will have access for multicannon instead of railgun. Multicannons have very short range and bad accurarcy(Only with first generation, this will get better instead of range like other weapon types) but good thing with multicannons is that they do not require energy. This allows new ship designs like small ship with armor, nuclear engines and multicannons. This basically allows to have one single "extra" component in ships since no energy is required for weapons.

Finally let's show picture of Smaurigian space ship bridge(This space ship bridge image was also added in this version):

Smaurigian Bridge

I would be really interested to hear if you have tried out the game and your thoughts about it.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022 - 16:39

I am using this as a diplomacy music in my 4X game. This is being played when player is having diplomacy with Alonians.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022 - 09:25

Interesting game and quite addictive. I played until I got out of memory error.  I think I was able to get level 8 and got score 128. That's what is visible in screen after crash. My guess is that out of memory occurs when there are multiple big ships and bullets bounce from those. I was able to get few bullets between three ships and then which were bouncing back and then shooting more bullets so those kept bouncy on screen.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022 - 15:47


There're such games?

There are but I think they are all Elderscrolls. Each Elderscroll has their pros and cons. Skyrim is probably best looking and music is excellent there. It also has those epic dragon fights. Well they are epic until you get your hero superhero that can handle those easily. I think that's also another issue with Skyrim, that for example you join to Mage Guild with character who hasn't never cast a spell before doing the initial test. If I rememeber correctly those can be pass with starting magic spells. After one day doing quests for the Guild you find yourself as a Archmage, which feels so wrong.

For Oblivion it is pretty much same as Skyrim expect it does not look that good as vanilla. But it has pretty much same issues as Skyrim.

Morrowind main map is same big area, which allows spellcasters cast flying or leviate spells and fly over city walls and so on. I think Morrowind had some restrictions that not all characters could join all the guilds and some guilds had probably restrictions that if you are member of another you are not allowed to join. Morrowind as an area is very unique and some might not like the look of envinroment.

Then there is the Daggerfall. I think with this Bethesda really tried to make fantasy simulator. It has features that other Elderscrolls lack: For instance gold pieces are heavy in your pocket, you go to bank and change that for letter of credit. You can take loan for bank. You can even travel to far away land and take big loan there and run back to your home territory and never pay back your loan. You can buy a ship or house if you want to. Map is huge and travelling there really requires fast travel(How ever you can still walk or ride horse or cart to next town if you want to. It just takes a lot of time). It has skills like climbing. I really miss that this hasn't been in newer Elderscrolls. Daggerfall also has swimming skill and swimming in plate armor is almost certain for drowing and only way to get up is drop the something heavy. This Elderscroll is challenging. Surviving even from the first dungeon in really challence(Maybe even too much). But there are still some problems: Dungeons this is were Daggerfall went to so wrong. Developpers thought that players do like exploring maze like dungeons, but it gets very tiring to doing this like over and over just to get quests done. Quests are pretty much fetch something, kill something and so one there are couple of variants and some of them have few choices to make. Some quest are bad specially like fetch some mummy wrapping from Harpies nest and mummy wrapping from Alchemist Store is not suitable for doing the quest.

Since world is almost complete procedurally generated, quests are also random(not including the main quest) people in those towns are just random NPCs. But going for example City of Daggerfall where there are multiple shops, inns and thousands of people is still awesome and amazing. There is also Daggerfall Unity which is Daggerfall remake to Unity engine which fixes quite much of problems, like it allows to have smaller dungeons. Daggerfall Unity for example upgrades climbing and player can move sideways while climbing and swinging over the ledges.

Those dungeons have two sides. For example there can be a pit in dungeon. Player could find lever somewhere in dungeon(Finding this would probably require lots of fighting) which would lover the bridge over cap. Good character might be able jump or climp over the pit or use levitate or featherfall. I kind like that it really allows you play your character. But when you do this multiple times it gets tiresome.


Tuesday, January 4, 2022 - 14:33

That only works since there are no portable ladders, climbing skill or levitate/fly spell in Skyrim. :D It feels pretty stupid if you have played previous Elder scroll with both climbing skill and levitate spells, but mentioning the ladder makes it even worse.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022 - 13:51


Weird... I always felt like Skyrim and Oblivion actually fixed this exact problem with traditional RPG quests. Admittedly, there are plenty of quests in those games with only one solution (I frigging hate the House Of Horrors quest for this!), but a huge number of them have multiple routes to a solution. In fact, the example you listed is used several times in both games: Instead of killing the target (the obvious solution) you can instead pick his pocket, or persuade him to just give you the McGuffin. I didn't realize these options were available (they're not listed or hinted at in most of the quest descriptions, so perhaps that is the bigger issue) and only discovered them on subsequent playthroughs when my other skills were sufficient; if you don't have enough skill in speechcraft, pickpocket, or telekinesis, the failure of those attempts seem like there just isn't an alternative solution.

I usually don't play as rogue or thief so that pick pocket I would not have spotted. Instead I play usually character with high speech or persuade so I should have been able to spot that. One thing I found funny in Skyrim was that most of the dungeons were loops. There was hidden door at the end of the dungeon so player did not need to walk over whole dungeon when quest was done. This is mixed thing for me. It probably makes the game more player friendly but it shoots realism into knee. Oblivion dungeons player needed to walk back whole dungeon.

Sunday, January 2, 2022 - 08:51

If you are interested about Meso-American RPG, there is Worlds of Ultima: Savage Empire, Altough it is turn based and quite old. So UX is not up to modern standards. While playing I find it easier to play full on keyboard and not using the mouse, but learning that it takes time. Game actually has nice feature that each of tribes have their own currency, which is kind of cool. Some of them require blue feathers, some diamons and so on.

Sunday, January 2, 2022 - 06:03

I like RPG when you actually can play role so that game does not force you to do things in certain way. There should be multiple ways/methods to solve quests. For example Fallout 2 is good example in this. I think this is the most imporant thing in RPG. I hate quest like Skyrim and Oblivions where you have one single way to do the quest and it is usually killing somebody and getting item from them. Only option is to not to do the quest at all. But more interesting quest would be that item to get would be in safe. Player could of course kill the NPC who has it and then get item. But player should be able to persuade, buy it or steal it without killing the NPC. Or maybe even do another quest for the NPC and then gain that item as a reward. I understand these kind of quest require a lot of work from developping team and are there for much harder to do than simple kill and fetch quests.

I prefer single player game over multiplayer game. If game only has single character and no party then first person view is okay. Otherwise I would like to player from 3rd person or isometric view and turn base game.

RPG should have quite much dialog with choices and things to read, no need for voice acting, specially if it is bad voice acting. Crafting and grinding is one thing I don't usually like in RPG. If these are done well, crafting is okay. There should many different items and make your character unique with some special perks or traits to pick while gaining level or experience.

Party or single character is a bit tough choice. They both have their pros and cons. Single character from first person view can be very immersive. But characters in these games can get overpowerful compared to other characters in the game. Games with party you can usually have more complex builds and try out different things which is good thing. Also turn base combat can be more interesting with party.
