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Saturday, May 1, 2021 - 14:16

Cool! I like the oak (some of them are better than others btw!).

The maple leaves are beautiful, and I think the tree could be as well. But as of now, I don't like it that much. I think it is the shape of the tree, I am also not the biggest fan of the original green tree that looks a lot like it. It is just to round I think.. Don't know how else to word it :P

But more trees I am always in for! We could work together to expand the tree set, I am willing to commission it. Conifers especially I am interested in, but looking at these previews I am sure we can think of other very welcome additions as well! 

Monday, March 8, 2021 - 15:17

That looks great! Nice trailer, looks like a lot of content already :)

I do agree on the arc of the arrows that is missing. And in the character menu I think it might be nice to add the shadow to the character as well, to give it some more "body".

Cool to see the new axe animations in action btw!

And the music is very nice! is it also from here on OGA?

Good luck!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2021 - 03:05

I would love to see sailing ships (pirate style)! Like this:

But then horizontally oriented, including items like canons, chests, sails etc etc.

That would be my number 1 wish :)

More crops and trees are also very useful, I think we can continue working on that again in the future, if you are also up for it again :P

Saturday, January 16, 2021 - 09:37

@ElizaWy I will PM you right away :) Cool stuff you are working on, can't wait to see more of it.
With just some basic clothing and base sheets, maybe one can already make for example some designated lumberjacking villagers. In such a. way, one can combine LPC characters from the current set together with yours in one game for example

@Bluecarrot I think you have a very good point. I just went for designing some new enemies for Herodom, and noticed the incredible variety of characters built over the last 10(!!) years. Orcs, Skeletons, reptiles.. It's all there. It would be a shame to loose all that, so maybe some hybrid form as I describe above would still make Eliza's set useful in a game using both LPC base sets. Let's see what happens!

What we could do Bluecarrot (I see "we", but merely I would function again as just the useless commissioner..), as I think you thought about this well already and the subject keeps coming back, is work together on an improved axe weapon, and use the existing frames to create a nice chop animation as well for it. For example, a reverse slash as you mention. Or any other combination of existing frames: As long as we document properly which combination should be used, we can adapt the generator to generate the proper entries in the sheet, or one can opt to do it in-game instead. Would you like to take that on soon?

Saturday, January 16, 2021 - 05:04

It's so good to see you are still working on LPC ElizaWy! As always, I am amazed by the work you did :O

The previews you posted are so much alive, it really looks like a great improvement or a new start.

I am wondering how you would see that. Say, the animations you mention are there, and this new base sheet is finished. Then all the existing character assets are not usable anymore. Correct?
I don't think that is necessarily a bad thing. As you mention, all flora/ fauna/ buildings whatever still go with both the old and the new characters.

So then in essence, we are potentially looking at a "LPC2.0", with respect to the characters that is.
Maybe adapting existing assets for the LPC1.0 to the LPC2.0 can be done without too much effort (EG the shields, helmets and hairstyles, as long as there are proper scripts to generate the sheets from a couple of base images.

Personally, I would support an LPC2.0 set, I could even think about financing a new event like how the LPC1.0 started in 2012. But I am no expert, and for this to be a success (like LPC1.0) I think it should be supported by many if not all of us here.

In addition, I am still working intensively on Herodom, and I saw that knight armour you are working and I fell completely in love right away. It reminds me of the old lego knights like these:

Melancholia kicking in there.. Anyways, I would be very much interested in commissioning to finish that armour set with helmet for the current character sheet. I don't know if you would be interested in that, but if so, let me know:)

Wednesday, January 13, 2021 - 11:19

Though I am not useful for doing the art my self (I also don't aspire to), I am very much willing to help and can help out also for example by commissioning part of the work you all aspire to (BenCreating and I are for example already in touch for a commission on completing the muscular base).

Also I would be very much interested in expanding the base animations with some basic actions like Lumberjacking, Farming and/ or Smithing, and create some new basic set of assets (clothes, hair etc) to accompany them (as I hypothesize that reusing any of the existing animations will be sub optimal for this purpose).

Wednesday, December 30, 2020 - 14:25

And fixed the shadows (credits and logic)

Wednesday, December 30, 2020 - 14:17

And done! I am quite happy with the result, you did an amazing effort bluecarrot!
I hope you like the result as well, let me know if I can change anything :)

Wednesday, December 30, 2020 - 13:54

(btw now working on the live list)

Wednesday, December 30, 2020 - 13:52


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